Monday, March 29, 2010

Have you ever watched the movie, "Pollyanna"? this movie should be shown in schools at least once a week. I cannot remember what school showed this to its students, but it taught them to respect each other and look for the good in people. they fought less and performed better academically. What made me think of this? Well, I have had a crystal hanging in an east window for quite a while now. In "Pollyanna" crystals are very important in cheering up some of the people in the community. They brighten their days and lives. Anyway, when the sun comes up the crystal refracts the light and surrounds the room with rainbows. My 2-year old grandchild can't wait to get up to go in the room and chase the rainbows. She is already learning the colors of the rainbow. Remember Roy G Biv? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet? I think I need to put up a couple more crystals. This starts my day off on a positive note, also.

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