Monday, March 29, 2010

Have you ever watched the movie, "Pollyanna"? this movie should be shown in schools at least once a week. I cannot remember what school showed this to its students, but it taught them to respect each other and look for the good in people. they fought less and performed better academically. What made me think of this? Well, I have had a crystal hanging in an east window for quite a while now. In "Pollyanna" crystals are very important in cheering up some of the people in the community. They brighten their days and lives. Anyway, when the sun comes up the crystal refracts the light and surrounds the room with rainbows. My 2-year old grandchild can't wait to get up to go in the room and chase the rainbows. She is already learning the colors of the rainbow. Remember Roy G Biv? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet? I think I need to put up a couple more crystals. This starts my day off on a positive note, also.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Go fish

I realized this morning that spring is here according to my koi fish. Starting around the time we get some serious frost, I stop feeding them. They snuggle together at the bottom of the pond and appear to be sleeping. They are hibernating. They will move a little during the winter but do not require food. Since they are not eating, the water does not become polluted as it does the rest of the year. Well, this morning they are swimming more around the top of the pond. The temperature will reach 65-70 today. So, I guess these are the signs I need to get with it and clean the pond, get the waterfall going, and feed the fish. No more sewing, drawing, writing, knitting, crocheting, painting. My jobs will be working on the yard and pond. Tomato seeds are sprouting in the house, and onions and radishes and lettuce will be planted out side this week. For some reason, these jobs are not as easy or fun as they used to be. I am sure it has nothing to do with age. I keep telling myself that 60 is the new 40. I say this over and over again. It has not made a difference yet.. Well, out I go to the new spring adventure.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Good morning. Today on the TV news I heard some more wrong grammar usage. How many times do you hear, "for you and I" ? for is a preposition and therefore uses the demonstrative case for its subjects.
Nominative case pronouns: I, we, he, she, they,, you
Demonstrative case pronouns: me, us, him, her them,, you
Try saying this....This cake is for us. Or...This cake is for we. You know it would be us. So, you would say ....This cake is for you and me. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Good morning. Today I am going to show you a math pattern that is fun.
1x1=1 There is one 1
11x11=121 There are two 1's
111x111=12,321 There are three 1's
1111x1111=1,234,321 There are...
Now watch what happens when there is one more 1...
There is no 8 and 0's begin...
1,111,111,111,111x1,111,111,111,111 = 1,234,567,901,234,320,987,654,321
And so forth... I love to find patterns in math. These patterns may be come rules.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So sorry that there has been a delay in this new entry. If there were 36 hours in a day I would still be behind. Today I want to talk some more about grammar. I hear wrong usage on TV and read wrong usage in the paper and other articles with copulative verbs. A copulative verb is a verb that joins the subject to an adjective. These are examples of copulative verbs:
These verbs(there are others) are to be modified by an adjective...not an adverb.
You would say "feels bad" "smells sweet" "appears sad" "looks mean"
How many times do you hear.."feels badly"? ending in an ly means that it is an adverb. If you put the adjective back to the can tell more easily that this is right or wrong. "Sarah feels bad ( or badly). Is it bad Sarah or badly Sarah? The flower smells sweet (or sweetly). Is it sweet flower or sweetly flower. I am sure there are many more rules you can use to remember this. But, this helps me.